The BCA Beat


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Emily Klassen, a part of the sophomore class, got to serve with her class during missions week in Philadelphia.

Emily Klassen, a part of the sophomore class, got to serve with her class during missions week in Philadelphia.

“Missions Week: From excursions to everyday life” by emily klassen

“The purpose of this article is to discuss the things that I noticed during missions week as well as the problems we know face back in Rhode Island. When discussing the difficulties here at home, I don’t intend to sound judgemental or hypocritical, as these are certainly things I struggle with as well. I just want to share how I experienced the missions trip and talk about the things we can learn from. Hopefully this article can be meaningful for everyone, despite if they went on a missions trip or not. ”

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“5 Things 5 bca teachers wish they knew in high school” by Xochi hopwood

“Often times, it is easy to see teachers as just that—just teachers! … So, as I thought of how our teachers are much more than the hour we see them a day, I decided to ask five teachers “one thing they wish in knew high school that they know now” and here is what I got in response…”


“Pizza Time: Part one” by Isaac Robson

“Pizza: the ultimate origin of all that is right with the universe, a body of celestial positive energy for all to enjoy. Adding a topping? Go ahead. Circle, square or triangle? Your choice. Pizza is the source of all joy in the ever expanding cosmos, the wellspring of all things good, righteous and just. It’s not just a food, it’s a lifestyle, a state of being, a “slice” of heaven.”


Pizza Review 2

At last, after all this time, it returns. Pizza review is back, everybody, and as I continue my glorious quest to find the pizza of all pizzas, I believe I have stumbled across the one, the pizza.